Infopoint Museo del Sughero


Piazza I° Maggio - Cervarezza - 42032 Busana


How to get there:

The office is at the Services Center "Teresa Romei Correggi" in Piazza I Maggio in Cervarezza Terme.
It's 4 km from the administrative capital.

Weekday hours:

Winter opening: 9.30 -12.30

Holiday hours:


Weekly Closure:

Monday and Thursday.

Opening times:

All year round.

Offered services:

Services Offered:
- Visit to the Museo del Sughero
- Tourist information (visits to the park and the towns, festivals and events, activities)
- Information on receptive structures (hotels, refuges, Agritourisms, vacation houses, campgrounds), with possibility of first meeting and reservations.
- Assisted consultation on tourist and non-tourist information on the Internet.
- Granting permits for gathering mushrooms - Sale of publications, hiking maps and gadgets

Territorial Sphere:

Parco Nazionale dell'appennino Tosco-emiliano.


Piazza Primo Maggio, 3, Loc. Cervarezza, 42032 Ventasso (RE)
0522/891911, 0522 891520

Last update: December 12, 2023