About Us

The website and Tourist Information of the Apennines or Reggio Emilia, is part of the Tourist Information System (SITur) of the Region of Emilia-Romagna, which has its main entry point into the portal Emilia Romagna Tourism.

As a whole, the system wants to offer to the tourist, the operator and citizen service information on the extensive overview of the opportunities, places and events in the region by ensuring the quality, timeliness, completeness and reliability of the news published.

The rules and standards are set by the Region in accordance with the Editors of the network, in order to facilitate the user in navigating the system. It is up to the editorial staff rooms, operating independently under the coordination of the Regional Editors, the exploitation of tourism resources of its territory through the collection of information and putting them on line.

The Editors of the Apennines or Reggio Emilia covers the territory of the municipalities of Baiso, Canossa, Carpineti, Casina, Castelnuovo ne 'Monti, Toano, Ventasso, Vetto d'Enza, Viano, Villa Minozzo.

It plugs directly into the data, organizing information on the advice of local suppliers.

The referring Organization is the Unione Montana dei Comuni dell’Appennino Reggiano.