Maestà di Ramiseto
42032 Ventasso
How to get there:
Distance from administrative capital/ from Reggio Emilia 62 km
from the autoroute exit of Reggio Emilia on the A1 70 km
from the railroad station of Reggio Emilia 62 km
from the airport of Bologna 120 km
from the autoroute exit of Aulla on the A12 71 km
From Reggio Emilia you take the SS 63 up to the road for Ramiseto, continuing on the provincial road n° 15.
From Parma: you take the SS 513 up to the town of Vetto d'Enza (58 km 7, continue then along the provincial road n° 57 (10 km);
Distance from administrative capital/ from Reggio Emilia 62 km
from the autoroute exit of Reggio Emilia on the A1 70 km
from the railroad station of Reggio Emilia 62 km
from the airport of Bologna 120 km
from the autoroute exit of Aulla on the A12 71 km
From Reggio Emilia you take the SS 63 up to the road for Ramiseto, continuing on the provincial road n° 15.
From Parma: you take the SS 513 up to the town of Vetto d'Enza (58 km 7, continue then along the provincial road n° 57 (10 km);
Tourist Area:
Analytical text:
In the municipality of Ramiseto there are numerous majesties and Carrara marble icons located in mural niches or imposed on small pilasters.
At Miscoso there's a 19th century majesty; at the San Vincenzo parish of Poviglio at Ramiseto there are two 18th century marble icons; at Montemiscoso there's a noteworthy majesty in a niche with the year 1778 depicting San Domenico.
At Succiso Inferiore nice examples have been registered, three of which are on monolithic pilasters with a style referable to The XVII - XIX century.
On interest are two 19th century marble icons of Carrara marble inserted in wall niches depicting the crowned Blessed Virgin.
an example bears the year 1697 and a third 1660.
Within the village along the road for Varvilla you can see a small pilaster majesty with marble icon.
In the municipality of Ramiseto there are numerous majesties and Carrara marble icons located in mural niches or imposed on small pilasters.
At Miscoso there's a 19th century majesty; at the San Vincenzo parish of Poviglio at Ramiseto there are two 18th century marble icons; at Montemiscoso there's a noteworthy majesty in a niche with the year 1778 depicting San Domenico.
At Succiso Inferiore nice examples have been registered, three of which are on monolithic pilasters with a style referable to The XVII - XIX century.
On interest are two 19th century marble icons of Carrara marble inserted in wall niches depicting the crowned Blessed Virgin.
an example bears the year 1697 and a third 1660.
Within the village along the road for Varvilla you can see a small pilaster majesty with marble icon.
Piazza Primo Maggio, 3, Loc. Cervarezza, 42032 Ventasso (RE)
0522/891911, 0522 891520
Last update: December 12, 2023