Sparavalle fortress
Sparavalle - Cervarezza Terme - 42032 Busana
How to get there:
You find the location of Sparavalle after Cervarezza Terme, on the SS63 in the direction of Castelnovo ne' Monti.
Distance from Busana 5 km.
Tourist Area:
Analytical text:
The remains of a small fort stand guard on the State road built by wish of Duke Francesco IV following construction of the Cerreto road, between 1828 – 1843.
The big tower, with circular layout, is abandoned.
On clear days you can enjoy a wide view of the surrounding hills and all the way down to the Padanian plans.
From here you can also see from west to east Mt Ventasso, Mt Cerreto and Mt Cusna.
Piazza Primo Maggio, 3, Loc. Cervarezza, 42032 Ventasso (RE)
0522/891911, 0522 891520
Last update: December 12, 2023