Woodland products


42033 Carpineti

Typical production area:

Berries: (Ericaceae family)


- Agostino Leuratti, Via Case Gandolfo 111
Pontone di Carpineti, ph. 0522 818165;
- Azienda Agricola Simone Giampellegrini, Location Maro di Castelnovo ne' Monti ph. 0522 611410


Among the species present in the underbrush and in the beechwood glades of our Apennines, besides the renown mushrooms, there are:
- bilberries and red berries
- strawberries
- black berries
- juniper berry
The berry brushes are natural formations of dwarf shrubs, also called "bilberry groves" because dominated by the bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and by the false berry (Vaccinium gaultheroides). The leaves are oval and pointed, with saw-edged margins, similar to those of the myrtle. The fruit is a small edible berry having a wonderful flavor which matures at the end of the summer and is gathered to be eaten fresh, to make jam, jellies, syrups and to make liquor. They are rich in Vitamin C and have astringent properties. The false berry looks similar, but is bland and pasty and therefore is not appreciated. In the bilberry groves of the Park there is also the red berry (Vaccinium Vitus - idaea), a rare species whose gathering to make jams and preserves is intense in the alpine valleys but is not contemplated in the traditional activities of our mountain people, especially due to its rarity.
Raspberry: (family: Rosaceae)
Raspberries are tall berries reaching up to 2 m in height, having small, weak aculea, thin and straight and having compost leaves. It's very widespread in the medium- high altitude mountains of the apennines, to the sides and in the clearings of the beechwoods and more humid oak woods, forming conspicuous colonies in landslides and in the more recently cleared lands. It flowers in June-July and matures its fruit after about a month, it is coral red, prunish and slightly furry, it is a compost fruit, i.e. formed by small fruits having a single seed (drupe). When it's mature it detaches itself easily and is collected to make jam, jellies, syrups and liquor. It is also used to make medicine. Strawberries: (family: Rosaceae)
the wild strawberries are small herbaceae plants which propagate in colonies, in the clearings and on the sunny sides of woods, of the sub-mountain zone up to the boundary with forest vegetation. The flowers appear from May to August, depending on altitude. The fruit is pulpous and bright red, very much appreciated for its scent and flavor; it is rich in phosphorous, calcium, iron and acelysitic acid and it has remarkable medicinal value.
Blackberries: (family: Rosaceae)
The berries extend from the flatlands to the medium altitude mountains and form spots and hedges o the sunny sides of woods, prairies and fields. The stems are equipped with strong and hooked aculea. The blackberries, like the raspberries, are composed fruit, they mature from August to October and are rich in vitamin A and C. They contain from 4 to 7 % sugar and are used to make syrup, jellies and jams.
Juniper Berries: (Family: Cupressaceae).
Juniper is a very widespread conifer in the entire region, from the river areas up to the tallest mountains. The needle shaped leaves, up to 15 mm long, are joined in verticils of three. They have a single light colored upper line and on the bottom a grayish-green color. The flowers appear in June-July and from these the characteristic grayish-blue berries come out; the juniper berries contain essential oils and resin. The are collected to have their essence extracted, to be used in making liquor, and to a lesser degree to make medicine and aromas.


Piazza Matilde di Canossa, 1, 42033 Carpineti (RE)
0522 615019 0522 615020 , 0522 718014

Last update: December 12, 2023