Bocce court of Ospitaletto


Ospitaletto - 42039 Ligonchio

How to get there:

The tennis court is found in the location Ospitaletto, 4 km far from the administrative capital, in the direction of the passo di Pradarena (SP 32).
From Reggio Emilia: SS 63 as far as Busana, where you continue on the SP 18 (km 79).
From Modena: SS 486 (Passo delle Radici) as far as Cerredolo, where you continue in the direction Gatta - Minozzo - Ligonchio.
From Lucca: along SP 32. Piazza al Serchio - Pradarena

Weekday hours:

All day, on request

Holiday hours:

All day, on request

Opening times:

Open structure which can be used in the spring and summer.
Reservations necessary or asking for information at bar Tini.


Bocce court


Donation appreciated


Piazza Primo Maggio, 3, Loc. Cervarezza, 42032 Ventasso (RE)
0522/891911, 0522 891520

Last update: December 12, 2023