Chrch of Santa Margherita di Montecagno

Montecagno - 42032 Ventasso
How to get there:
Montecagno is found 7 km from the administrative capital in the direction of Villa Minozzo; on the SP 93 you take the road on the right and continue for 1 km.
The church is located at the extreme eastern end of town.
From Reggio Emilia follow the SS 63 Vezzano sul Crostolo - Castelnovo Monti - Carnola - Montecagno (km 66)
Entrance fee:
Tourist Area:
Additional notes:
Period of Construction: 1647 (year of the transformation of the oratory in parish)
Analytical text:
The oratory of Santa Margherita and San Rocco probably dates back to the XVI century.
In 1631, during the Plague, it was enlarged and in 1647 it became a parish at the request of the inhabitants of the town.
In the second half of the XIX century the church was completely restructured.
In 1920, the earthquake so seriously damaged it as to have some suggest its complete reconstruction. the church is liturgically oriented, and with a court disposition.
Inside the church there is a wooden tabernacle of the 1600's attributed to the sculptor Ceccati.
Piazza Primo Maggio, 3, Loc. Cervarezza, 42032 Ventasso (RE)
0522/891911, 0522 891520
Last update: December 12, 2023