Ducati Path - 5th stage from Castagneto to Succiso

42020 Vetto
A path through dukedoms
From the river Enza to Lunigian
From the river Enza to Lunigian
Periods of Activity:
All year round.
The conduct:
A piedi
Province of Reggio Emilia and CAI.
The "Sentiero dei Ducati (Path through Dukedoms) was originally the border between the dukedoms that separated neighbouring villages and valleys until 1848 and were continually crossed by travellers, pilgrims and smugglers.It runs almost parallel to the river Enza and starts out at Quattro Castella, before passing close to some of the more important locations, historically speaking, such as Canossa Castle and the Church at Pianzo; it reaches the top of Mount Barazzone and Mount Staffola, skirts past the splendid Tassaro river valley and visits the hamlets of Legoreccio, Pineto and Spigone. After Vetto, the path enters into Ramiseto territory and presses on as far as the Lagastrello Pass, within the confines of the new Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park.
Tourist Area:
Geographic Area:
Details of tour:
Detailed Itinerary:
STAGE 5: FROM VETTO TO CAMPORELLA Approximate time: 6.10 hours
Path climbs: 760 metres
Path descends: 550 metres
Distance covered: 17.2 km Bar trattoria at Sole. Bar at Taviano, hotel at Ponte Enza, 3 km from Taviano in the direction of Selvanizza. B&B "Le tre C" at Camporella. FromVetto follow the road to the premises of the "Alpini" and continue along the mule track to the hamlet of Sole di Sopra 490 m. Cross the SP513 at the Antica Trattoria del Sole restaurant 470 m (0.30) and walk down to Sole di Sotto 451 m. You will encounter the road to Ramiseto at the Lonza bridge 361 m (0.20; 0.50) and then follow this road until it meets with the river Enza. The path climbs past the ruins of an old mill on a mule track as far as the cottages at Gottano, Case Ruffini 467 m and Case Dall'Ara 515 m. After a cluster of Scot's pines, continue straight on at the fork for 100 m to the viewpoint looking out over the Enza. The path climbs up the ridge to a fork. It emerges onto a road on the left from Gottano di Sotto (Siola path n° 680). The path to right goes up to Gottano di Sopra 675 m (1.20; 2.10) and then leaves the hamlet turning right just after the church, near a terracotta Maestà. The path climbs and crosses the hill behind the village; it forks to the left in front of the cemetery and arrives at the Madonna delle Formiche oratory 662 m. It descends W along the ridge and joins the road from the cemetery; continue left along this until the house on the main road to Ramiseto. Follow the main road right for a short distance, where the Temporìa path n° 680 forks off to the right. Leave the road a little further on and take the track on the right up to the ridge between the Enza and the Lonza. Leave the track to the right at Mount Buttafuoco 659 m and continue along the old ducal boundary. Past the Cereggio road, walk up to Casetta 666 m; the old, abandoned Estense customs house can be seen to the E. After crossing the summit of Mount Alto 711 m, the path continues down and joins up with Cereggio road, then climbs up between hedges to a fork with a Maestà in plaster of Paris. TheNigone path n° 680 veers off to the left but the path continues up to the right and meets the Roncovecchio path (n°670) and then enters the hamlet of Cereggio 765 m (1.30; 3.40). From the church of San Francesco, the path continues along a road NW, and turns left towards the cemetery. At the fork with the Maestà (the Tempora path n° 680 is on the right), continue straight down to the Rio Castagnoli. A short distance later, you go past a pretty stratified rock face. Cross Rio Castagnoli at 625 m and continue on the other side along the track. You will see an old chestnut drying-house on the left above you and pass a second one after a water trough. Pass the house on your right and take the sheep track that continues to the right, then veers immediately to the left. The path enters the woods halfway up the hillside, with what's remaining of a third chestnut drying-house above you on the left. On the verge of the Enza valley, keep to the left on a path that runs along the wood covered precipice to a little col: to the right, there is a good detour up to the Pizzoni ridge nearby, 434 m. From the col, continue down into the woods; the path comes out on a ridge and climbs down it. After reaching a mule track, halfway up the hillside, veer to the left. The path winds its way up and down three hills and dales. The mule track becomes a cart track and enters the little village of Taviano 647 m (1.50; 5.30). Follow the road to the right that climbs up to the main road and goes past it, following a cart track that climbs up the hillside, with a scattering of Maestà and flanked by hedges and oaks. After Rio Ricò, the path goes around a scenic ridge and crosses a landslide hallway up to reach Camporella Church 641 m (0.40; 6.10).
STAGE 5: FROM VETTO TO CAMPORELLA Approximate time: 6.10 hours
Path climbs: 760 metres
Path descends: 550 metres
Distance covered: 17.2 km Bar trattoria at Sole. Bar at Taviano, hotel at Ponte Enza, 3 km from Taviano in the direction of Selvanizza. B&B "Le tre C" at Camporella. FromVetto follow the road to the premises of the "Alpini" and continue along the mule track to the hamlet of Sole di Sopra 490 m. Cross the SP513 at the Antica Trattoria del Sole restaurant 470 m (0.30) and walk down to Sole di Sotto 451 m. You will encounter the road to Ramiseto at the Lonza bridge 361 m (0.20; 0.50) and then follow this road until it meets with the river Enza. The path climbs past the ruins of an old mill on a mule track as far as the cottages at Gottano, Case Ruffini 467 m and Case Dall'Ara 515 m. After a cluster of Scot's pines, continue straight on at the fork for 100 m to the viewpoint looking out over the Enza. The path climbs up the ridge to a fork. It emerges onto a road on the left from Gottano di Sotto (Siola path n° 680). The path to right goes up to Gottano di Sopra 675 m (1.20; 2.10) and then leaves the hamlet turning right just after the church, near a terracotta Maestà. The path climbs and crosses the hill behind the village; it forks to the left in front of the cemetery and arrives at the Madonna delle Formiche oratory 662 m. It descends W along the ridge and joins the road from the cemetery; continue left along this until the house on the main road to Ramiseto. Follow the main road right for a short distance, where the Temporìa path n° 680 forks off to the right. Leave the road a little further on and take the track on the right up to the ridge between the Enza and the Lonza. Leave the track to the right at Mount Buttafuoco 659 m and continue along the old ducal boundary. Past the Cereggio road, walk up to Casetta 666 m; the old, abandoned Estense customs house can be seen to the E. After crossing the summit of Mount Alto 711 m, the path continues down and joins up with Cereggio road, then climbs up between hedges to a fork with a Maestà in plaster of Paris. TheNigone path n° 680 veers off to the left but the path continues up to the right and meets the Roncovecchio path (n°670) and then enters the hamlet of Cereggio 765 m (1.30; 3.40). From the church of San Francesco, the path continues along a road NW, and turns left towards the cemetery. At the fork with the Maestà (the Tempora path n° 680 is on the right), continue straight down to the Rio Castagnoli. A short distance later, you go past a pretty stratified rock face. Cross Rio Castagnoli at 625 m and continue on the other side along the track. You will see an old chestnut drying-house on the left above you and pass a second one after a water trough. Pass the house on your right and take the sheep track that continues to the right, then veers immediately to the left. The path enters the woods halfway up the hillside, with what's remaining of a third chestnut drying-house above you on the left. On the verge of the Enza valley, keep to the left on a path that runs along the wood covered precipice to a little col: to the right, there is a good detour up to the Pizzoni ridge nearby, 434 m. From the col, continue down into the woods; the path comes out on a ridge and climbs down it. After reaching a mule track, halfway up the hillside, veer to the left. The path winds its way up and down three hills and dales. The mule track becomes a cart track and enters the little village of Taviano 647 m (1.50; 5.30). Follow the road to the right that climbs up to the main road and goes past it, following a cart track that climbs up the hillside, with a scattering of Maestà and flanked by hedges and oaks. After Rio Ricò, the path goes around a scenic ridge and crosses a landslide hallway up to reach Camporella Church 641 m (0.40; 6.10).
Useful Links:
Piazza Caduti di Legoreccio, 1, 42020 Vetto d'Enza (RE)
0522 815222 , 0522 815694
Last update: December 12, 2023