Parmigiano Reggiano

42035 Castelnovo Ne Monti
Typical production area:
Town of Baiso
Latteria Sociale Cà Talani
Latteria Sociale S. Cassiano
Latteria Sociale S. Lorenzo
Latteria Sociale Coop S. Romano Visignolo
Latteria Sociale Nuova Teneggia - Levizzano Town of Canossa
Latteria Sociale Selvapiano - Ph. 0522/8768512
Latteria Sociale Vedriano - Ph. 0522/870154
Latteria Sociale Monchio - Monchio delle Olle
Caseificio Canossa - Via Cavandola n 1 Town of Carpineti
Latteria Sociale Cigarello
Latteria Sociale Marola
Latteria Sociale Onfiano
Latteria Sociale S. Paolo - Bebbio Ph. 0522/614302
Latteria Sociale S. Pietro Valestra
Latteria Sociale Valsecchia Carpineti Town of Casina
Latteria Sociale of Migliara - Ph. 0522/609303 (public hours: every day except Sunday afternoon, from 9:30 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00).
Mornini Peppino - Beleo - Ph. 0522/607142
Latteria Sociale S. Giovanni Battista - Leguigno - Ph. 0522/607109
Latteria Sociale Sordiglio - Sordiglio - Ph. 0522/600815
Latteria Del Rio - Villa di Giandeto - Ph. 0522/609234
Latteria Sociale San Paolo - Strada - Ph. 0522/609610
Latteria Sociale San Giorgio - Cortogno - Ph. 0522/607100 Town of Castelnovo ne' Monti
Latteria Sociale Berzana - Ph. 0522/814394
Latteria Sociale Cagnola - Casino - Ph. 0522/613321
Latteria Sociale Carnola - Ph. 0522/812396
Latteria Sociale Casale della Pietra
Latteria Sociale of Costa dè Grassi Ph. 0522/811639
Latteria Sociale Fornacione - Felina - Ph. 0522/619433
Latteria Sociale Garfagnolo
Latteria Sociale Maro
Caseificio del Rio Castelnovo ne' Monti
Caseificio Quarqua - Croce - Ph. 0522/811019 Town of Ligonchio
Caseificio Ferrari - Cinquecerri - Ph. Town of Ramiseto
Latteria Sociale Castagneto
Latteria Sociale Gazzolo
Latteria Sociale Pieve S. Vincenzo - Fornolo Town of Toano
Caseificio Sociale Cavola
Latteria Sociale Cerrè Marabino
Latteria Sociale Collina - Massa
Latteria Sociale Manno
Latteria Sociale Quara - Ph. 0522/808402
Latteria Sociale Toano - Ph. 0522/805161 Town of Vetto
Latteria Sociale Buvolo
Latteria Sociale Centro - Vetto
Latteria Sociale Cola
Latteria Sociale Groppo - Ph. 0522/819205
Latteria Sociale S. Stefano - Vetto - Ph. 0522/613044
Lavorazione Ovina Cusna - Rosano Town of Viano
Latteria Sociale Asta - Febbio - Cervarolo - Ph. 0522/800121
Caseificio Sociale Minozzo
Latteria Sociale Morsiano
Latteria Sociale Villaminozzo
Historical Origins:
The production environment is characterized by a variety of pedoclimatic conditions. In fact, they go from the Apennines to the plains. In spite of this, the characteristics of this cheese are so uniform it can be considered a single product, even with the different variations deriving from the hay and especially from the human factor and the production procedures. The place and date related to the "birth" of this cheese are difficult to establish with certainly, what is certain is that Parmesan cheese (in its composition) is the same as it was 8 centuries ago. A few date its origin to the Etruscan period. It is certainly mentioned by Latin authors. One of the most famous literary pieces is found in Boccaccio's Decameron, where it is described in these terms: "there was a mountain of grated Parmesan cheese, which had people on top of it who did nothing else but make macaroni and ravioli, and cook them in Capon broth and then the would throw them down and he who more of them grabbed more of them had". (Itinerari slow)
Before 1951 both the Parmigiano and the Reggiano existed as distinct entities. It was only after that date that the brand was united. In 1996 the "King of cheeses" obtained the European DOP. Visit the site of the S. Lucia experimental company
An artisan cheese, it is made in small and medium sized dairies with a working method which has remained the same for ages. Each cheese factory works the milk from its territory and each dairyman carries out the working procedure in his own way, thus leaving his unmistakable "print". Every day, late in the afternoon the milk from the afternoon milking arrives, it is poured in to the proper containers to allow the cream to surface, and from which butter will be obtained i.e. the rising butter. The following morning a second part of milk is added and is "broken" as soon as the curd is formed, then squeezed to give it the typical outline of the form and "pescata". The form will be obtained dividing it. This latter is then put on wooden "slats" and pressed. After salting (which lasts 20/30 days) the parmesan cheese is put in the warehouse for aging.
Piazza Gramsci, 1, 42035 Castelnovo ne' Monti (RE)
0522 610111, 0522 810947
Last update: December 12, 2023