Succiso - 42032 Ventasso
How to get there:
Location Succiso
It's about 20 km from the administrative capital
from the administrative capital you take the SP 15 in the direction of Lagastrello Pass until you get to the road for Succiso, from here you go up on the town road until you get to the town of Succiso.
Tourist Area:
Additional notes:
Il Borgo situato sui versanti alla destra del torrente Liocca è costituito da due gruppi di caseggiati posti a quote differenti.
Analytical text:
The urban plan of the hamlet is characterized by a conformation of scattered centers.
The unstable nature of the soil has caused different landslides which have taken place over the years.
Within the center of the hamlet situated at a lower altitude numerous carved sandstone constructions are visible.
You can still see artistic arched portals of the 17th-18th century type.
Inside a few courtyards you can see the characteristic cobblestone made of stone slabs laid down in a herring-bone pattern.
Around the hamlet there are small votive pillars of sandstone which rise and spread into the village itself: the works enclose praiseworthy marble bas-reliefs dating back to the 19th century.
Piazza Primo Maggio, 3, Loc. Cervarezza, 42032 Ventasso (RE)
0522/891911, 0522 891520
Last update: December 12, 2023