Tibet House

Votigno - 42026 Canossa
- 0522 877177
- 335 6066720 Dott. Stefano Dallari
- 338 8553666 Patrizia Audisio
- info@casadeltibet.it
- stedal@tin.it
How to get there:
From the administrative capital take the SP 54 in the direction of Casina up to the intersection with the SP 73 and, not far before Canossa follow a town road on the right.
From Reggio Emilia take the SS 63; at Puianello follow the sign for Pecorile Paderna, about 6 km you'll see a sign "Casa del Tibet".
Additional notes:
The House of Tibet, inaugurated in 1990, is an international cultural center whose aim is to preserve and make known the ancient Tibetan culture. It helps the Tibetan people creating health and economic aid. At the office you'll find a library, a meditation room and areas for courses and seminars. There is also a museum which can be visited Sundays.
For more information consult the website.
Useful Links:
Piazza Matteotti, 28 - loc. Ciano d'Enza, 42026 Canossa (RE)
0522 248411, 0522 248450
Last update: December 12, 2023